Seattle, Washington | Palm Springs, California


Capturing New Clients

Capturing new clients is an important part of success for an association management company. But it can be a rollercoaster ride, flying high one month, or year, and bottoming out the next. During a dry spell you sometimes feel like you are climbing a four-horse hill in a two-horse buggy.  And don’t you just hate, hate,…
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Don’t Get Bupped

………but by the time you’ve decided not to, you’ve usually already been, dang! Many moons ago, when I was still submerged in the unforgiving and treacherous waters of the association management industry, I was sitting late at night in a bar in a city far from home. Which city doesn’t matter which is good because…
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Is it a Full-Time Job to Just Get Nothing Done?

​Have you ever had a client board member tell you that their manager is a great guy, is smart, works hard, but just gets nothing done?  If so, do you know why that can be?  I do.  See, the problem is that in this industry, unless you use some vital efficiency systems, it is often a full-time…
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Are you Getting Up Earlier and Earlier?

Awaken at 5 am each day and they call you “industrious”, “a real go getter”, 4 am and they say, “well that’s a bit over the top”, “that’s a bit insane…..but I guess he/she is catching the worm”. But if you wake up at 3 am each day, well, you are labeled “a real freak”…..”kinda…
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Satellite Hell – Distributed Workforce Challenges in Community Association Management

[©Copyright 2010 by Jim Comin, posted in 2021 after Covid expands the need of the distributed workforce] It’s hard enough however you slice it.  Our industry is not for the faint of heart, the sleight of spirit, nor the thin of skin.  Rather, hearty hearts, spirited spirits and thick skin are near prerequisites for us…
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It’s Time to Actively Manage Reserve Fund Investments

It didn’t used to matter too much if you reviewed your clients’ reserve fund investments regularly. Why? Because the choices didn’t change, much. Yes, you could have possibly cashed out a CD paying 1/2 of a percent return in favor of one paying 3/4 of a percent. But to do so mid term, most likely…
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