Yes, there is a lot of reading here. But at the end of all of this written crappola is a visual presentation. Try your darndest to read this first, but I know you are very busy…….
With the JCS Timed Agenda you can save over a million dollars per association manager! Sounds preposterous huh! I was surprised too! But I did the math. See the purpose of this product is to save time during board and committee meeting prep and during the meetings. During the meetings the product keeps the group on task and on time and gets your manager home in time for dinner! I researched other ways that you may be able to get your managers home for dinner and found the most viable other option would be to make up the time after the meeting, rather than during it, in the transport home. But how? You buy them each a helicopter. But that plan has issues. First, the average helicopter costs over a million dollars. Your company’s insurance rates would go up quite a bit. Then there is the parking. You would need to arrange for landing space at each of your 132 communities, at each of your association manager’s homes and you would need room for a sh**load *(technical aviation term meaning a whole lot of helicopters) of them at your offices. And, and, and… would need to send each of your managers to helicopter pilot training school! So I am sure you would have to agree with me that this plan is problematic because……………………….. your managers don’t have time to go to pilot training school!
Now let’s review the prep time savings. You may say, “well it doesn’t take long to prepare an agenda Jim……you see we just take an old agenda and make a few changes and we are good to go.” I know. Been there done that. But how about to prepare six or eight of them each month, for each of your managers. Let’s say they take 30 minutes each. So that is three or four hours per month. What if instead of 30 minutes, it took three minutes? Yeah, I know what you are thinking, if we could improve all of our tasks to that degree, our managers could manage ten times as many associations, 60 or 80 instead of six to eight! Well, or they could maybe get home in time for dinner with their families. Oh, plus, don’t you just hate it when using the old standard system, you send out a board packet and the agenda has last month’s date on it or has a different association name on it’s heading?
Indeed this product saves those types of headaches, but more importantly saves time in two ways. So if the old adage that time is money holds true, though the product may not be worth millions of dollars, it is truly quite valuable. So, let’s take a deeper dive into the efficiencies of this product.
- Preparation of Agendas – You can create a bare bones agenda for an association in a few seconds. You heard me right, a few seconds! No, I am not! No, I am not that either! (I thought I heard you say I was a liar…..or an exaggerator). Remember that we know the problems that are the bane of your professional life and James Comin Solutions offers solutions to those problems (heck the word is right there in our name). Such problems include things like when you have to get a board package out in the next five minutes and you suddenly realize that forgot to prepare an agenda! . How do we do it? How do we help you to create an agenda in seconds? The basic agenda is created through button clicks, pulldowns, shortcut keys and “auto populate” features. Now, I mentioned the “basic agenda” is extremely quick to manufacture. You may often want more details, and this system offers shortcuts for that as well, including: . a) one-click shortcut keys for entering entry strings which are common in agendas, i.e. “committee report”. b) one-click expansion and contraction of agenda outline (which include 14 primary categories (1-14), 6 secondary categories for each primary (a-f), and 3 tertiary keys for each secondary (i-iii). You are not going to run out of space! c) one-click spell check for the entire agenda presentation, heck even Word requires two! d) one-click clean up button which deletes any extra lines or unnecessary empty spaces from the agenda.
2. In-Meeting Facilitation – This dynamic system will keep you on track during your meeting! This is really the novelty of the product. For the first time ever there is a way for everyone to get home in time for dinner without anyone having to be the bad guy, the time guru. Our dynamic timed agenda system IS the guru, IT is the bad guy. During the meeting, the system moves along the agenda on screen with each segment going green when it is due and turning red when its time is up. Furthermore our JCS Timed Agenda offers an audible beep at each transition, since the meeting leaders’ eyes may be on other things such as documents or even sharing eye contact with the meeting attendees.
Oh, and JCS Timed Agenda sticks to the schedule! The planned schedule! It doesn’t allow for meandering. Well it may allow meandering if you or your board president say so. See there is a button to extend the time of an agenda segment by one minute per click, if there is a topic that is more important than timely dinner (sorry Abe Maslow). But there is another button to subtract one minute from another future segment (You’re welcome Abe). So one strategy is to always hit the subtract button from a future agenda segment once for each time you hit the add button! It’s a beautiful thing, for after all, the standard default offset for the proverbial “hitting the ‘add time’ button”, is to offset it by hitting the imaginary “make my dinner a little colder” button. Oh, and did you notice our recurring theme showed up again. Each step is one click! And, the timing is all automated so if you click the add a minute button, it moves all of the subsequent times forward a minute and still keeps you honest according to the new “one minute later” schedule, lighting up and beeping when appropriate according to the adjusted schedule! I know! It seems impossible!
Let me fess up right now. Yes, I am trying to sell you something. And if you are like me, you’d rather make money than spend money! Well, guess what? This could be an ancillary income product. Your board members don’t like missing dinner any more than your managers do. Easy sell? Maybe you just offer it to your boards for a very nominal fee, say $10 a month. Since you are paying less than a buck for each of your clients, well, um, let’s see……uh, carry the one, yeah, that’s purdy good! Now you should be ready to look at the slide show below. Take a look.